In-Person Meetings

Monthly Club Meeting:
The South Texas Amateur Radio Club meets the 4th Thursday of every month except in the months of November and December.


  • Date:  4th Thursday each month (except November & December)
  • Time: 1900 HRS
  • Location:  St. Mark’s Episcopal Fellowship Hall 2727 Airline Rd., Corpus Christi, Texas 78414

On-Air Meetings

Weekly On-Air Meeting:
Join us every Tuesday night at 20:00 on the 146.820 repeater (107.2 PL)
for the weekly STARC On-the-Air meetings.  Alternate repeater is 146.880 (107.2 PL).  

The meeting is open of all amateurs in the Coastal Bend.  We will have announcements of upcoming events and contests.  We will also take check-ins and comments from the group. STARC On-the-air Meeting Script below.


  • Date:  Every Tuesday evening.
  • Time: 2000 HRS
  • Repeater:  146.820 (107.2 PL) or Alternate Repeater 146.880 (107.2 PL)

On-Air Net Meeting Format

STARC On-the-air Meeting Script

Good Evening Everyone. This is  your call my handle is your name, and I’ll be net control for this evening’s on the air meeting of the South Texas Amateur Radio Club.

At this time, I’ll stand-by for any priority or emergency use of the repeater.

Nothing heard so I’ll start the net.

This net is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. You do not have to be a member of STARC to participate and we encourage you to join us, both on the net and at the club meetings. This net meets every Tuesday at 8PM local to discuss items related to the South Texas Amateur Radio Club and ham radio in general. This 146.820 repeater has a negative off set and requires a tone of 107.2.

The format for the net is I will go over any announcements, then I will take a list of check-ins and afterwards I will go down the list of check ins for comments.

Checking the STARC calendar our next club meeting will be THIS THURSDAY April 28 at ST. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall 2727 Airline near Saratoga. Everyone is invited. You do not have to be licensed just have an interest in ham radio.

Something new since the Buy Sell Trade net is down for the foreseeable future you may e-mail your ham equipment for sale to It will then be posted on the website and read on-the-air with no comments at the end of the STARC net. AS is standard practice The South Texas Amateur Radio Club makes this space available for listings but is in no way responsible for the transactions between amateurs.

AD5TC is our Volunteer Examination Coordinator. James do you have any comments?

Do we have any comments from STARC board members?

Be sure to check our website at N5CRP.ORG for the latest information on ham radio in the area. Please sign up for groups I/O. The instructions are on the website. If you’d like to receive the club’s E-Blast please send a request to

I’ll now take a list of check-ins. Your call and name please giving me time to write it down. Please call Your Call net control now.

(After check-ins call each for comments)

(after comments) Any additional check-ins?     

Tonight’s Buy Sell Trade listings are:  (repeat only contact number)

Any further comments?

I’ll will go ahead and close this session of the STARC on-the air meeting. We had a total of____ check-ins tonight. I’d like to thank everyone who checked-in and participated in tonight’s net. See you again next Tuesday at 8PM local time.

We will now return the 146.82 repeater back to normal amateur radio use. This is Your Call, 73 everyone.

Downloadable Script

Updated 05/1/2022